Monday, January 22, 2024

US Army Medal of Honor John A. Barnes.

 US Army Medal of Honor John A. Barnes.

On November 12, 1967, Private First Class Barnes was serving as a grenadier in the area of Dak To, when his unit was attacked by a large North Vietnamese enemy battalion. 

Upon seeing the crew of a machine-gun team killed, Barnes, without hesitation, dashed through the bullet-swept area, manned the machinegun, and killed nine enemy soldiers as they assaulted his position. 

While pausing just long enough to retrieve more ammunition, Barnes observed an enemy grenade thrown into the midst of some severely wounded personnel close to his position. 

Realizing that the grenade could further injure or kill the majority of the wounded personnel, he sacrificed his life by throwing himself directly onto the hand grenade as it exploded. 

Through his indomitable courage, complete disregard for his own safety, he averted loss of life and injury to the wounded members of his unit. 

God Bless John Barnes and God Bless Our Vets!

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