Monday, January 22, 2024

US Army Medal of Honor Recipient Felix M. Conde-Falcon:

US Army Medal of Honor Recipient Felix M. Conde-Falcon:

On April 4, 1969, Staff Sergeant Conde-Falcon was serving as a Platoon Leader during combat operations in the Ap Tan Hoa province.

 While entering a heavily wooded section on the route of advance, Sgt. Conde and his company encountered an extensive enemy bunker complex, later identified as a battalion command post.

Following tactical artillery and air strikes on the heavily-secured enemy position, Sgt. Conde’s platoon was selected to assault and clear the bunker fortifications.

 Moving out ahead of his platoon, Sgt. Conde charged the first bunker, heaving grenades as he went. 

As the hostile fire increased, he crawled to the blind side of an entrenchment position, jumped to the roof, and tossed a grenade into the bunker aperture. 

Without hesitating, he proceeded to two additional bunkers, both of which he destroyed in the same manner as the first.

 Rejoining his platoon, Sgt. Conde advanced about one hundred meters through the trees before coming under intense hostile fire.

 Selecting three men to accompany him, he maneuvered toward the enemy’s flank position. 

Carrying a machinegun, he single-handedly assaulted the nearest fortification, killing the enemy inside before running out of ammunition. 

After returning to the three men with his empty weapon and taking up an M-16 rifle, he concentrated on the next bunker.

Charging forward he got within ten meters of the bunker, before he was shot several times by enemy fire. 

He was last seen attempting to crawl forward and finish his mission when he collapsed and died of his wounds. 

God Bless Felix Conde-Falcon and God Bless our vets!

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