Monday, January 22, 2024

US Army Medal of Honor Recipient Hammet L. Bowen:

 US Army Medal of Honor Recipient Hammet L. Bowen: 

On June 27th, 1969, Sgt. Bowen distinguished himself while serving as a platoon sergeant during combat operations in Binh Duong Province. 

Sgt. Bowen's platoon was advancing on a reconnaissance mission into enemy-controlled terrain when it came under the withering crossfire of small arms and grenades from an enemy ambush force. 

Sgt. Bowen placed heavy suppressive fire on the enemy positions and ordered his men to fall back. 

As the platoon was moving back, an enemy grenade was thrown amid Sgt. Bowen and three of his men. 

Sensing the danger to his comrades, Sgt. Bowen shouted a warning to his men and hurled himself on the grenade, absorbing the explosion with his body while saving the lives of his fellow soldiers. 

Sgt. Bowen's extraordinary courage and concern for his men at the cost of his life served as an inspiration to his comrades and are in the highest traditions of the military service and the U.S. Army.

God Bless Hammett Bowen and God bless our vets!

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